Click on one of the financial goals below or any subcategory to display financial planning articles, decision tools and calculators,frequently asked questions, newsletter articles, concept videos, video and text alerts, or market summaries.


Starting a business
Advantages and disadvantages of self-employment
Starting or Buying a Business
Choosing an entity for your business
Funding a Business
Hiring your first employee
Record Keeping for Your Own Business
Qualifying for the home office deduction
Tax planning for the self-employed

Benefits and retirement plans
Benefit Plans for Small Businesses
Retirement Plans for Small Businesses
Understanding Individual 401(k) Plans
Life insurance for the self-employed
Group term life insurance
Key employee life and disability insurance
Split dollar insurance plans
Health insurance for the self-employed
Group health insurance: a valued employee benefit
Disability income insurance for the self-employed
Offering group disability insurance
What employers need to know about workers' compensation insurance

Transferring or selling a business
Transferring your family business
Funding a buy-sell agreement with life insurance
Funding a buy-sell agreement with disability insurance

Insuring a business
Properly insuring your business
Why insure your business?
Should you self-insure your business?
Understanding your business owners policy
Business liability insurance basics
Commercial general liability
Professional liability coverage
Do you need crime insurance?
Business interruption insurance
Business overhead expense insurance
Business automobile insurance basics
Insurance tips for business travelers
Insuring your home business
Income tax tips: business insurance

Decision Tools

Business planning basics
Net worth calculator

Choosing an entity
Choosing a business entity
Comparison of LLCs, LLPs, and professional corporations
How C Corporations, LLCs, and LLPs Protect Personal Assets

Insurance planning
Business life insurance needs
Number of policies needed with a cross purchase plan

Benefits and retirement plans
Comparison of types of educational assistance
Building a retirement plan for your business
401(k) plans
Individual 401(k) Illustration

Transferring or selling a business
Business succession strategy calculator
Buy-sell agreement calculator
Buy-sell planning questionnaire
Planning for succession of a business interest
Business succession planning alternatives
How entity purchase plans work
How cross purchase plans work

Tax planning
Accelerating deductions/postponing income
Accelerating income/postponing deductions


Starting a business
Is buying a franchise a good way to get into business?
Should I buy an existing business or start from scratch?
What should I look for in a business location?
What are the stages of business development?
Should I buy or lease assets for my business?
Don't most small businesses fail?
How do I find good advisors such as lawyers and accountants to help with my business?

Raising capital
How can I raise capital for my business?
Can I borrow money from my wholly owned business?

Incorporating a business
Should I incorporate my business?
Can I change my business from an S corporation to a C corporation?
Can I change my business from a C corporation to an S corporation?

How does a limited partnership work?

Noncompetition agreements
My employer wants me to sign a noncompetition agreement. What is it? Is it legally binding?
Why does the buyer of my business want me to sign a noncompetition agreement?
I am buying a business. Can I make the seller sign a noncompetition agreement?

Advertising a business
How do I know where to advertise my business?
What is the best form of advertising?
How can I get free publicity for my business?

Home-based businesses
If I work at home occasionally, am I entitled to a home office deduction?
Can I deduct home office expenses?

Employee benefits and other issues
What benefits should I offer to my employees?
How can I find good employees for my business?
How can I boost the morale of my employees without incurring huge expenses?
What are incentive stock options (ISOs)?
What are health reimbursement arrangements?

Insurance coverage
What is stop-loss insurance?
I'm thinking about opening a day-care business in my home. Does this raise any insurance issues?
I drive my own car on company business. Whose insurance will pay for damages if I get into an accident?
What is errors and omissions insurance?
Can I get disability insurance if I'm self-employed?
I own a business. Are there any creative ways I can use life insurance in my business?
A cell phone and laptop computer owned by my company were inside my briefcase when it was stolen. Will my company's insurance cover the loss?
I use my laptop computer for my home business. Is it covered under my homeowners policy?
What kind of insurance coverage do I need for my small business?
I'm an independent contractor. Where can I get health and disability insurance?

Valuing a business
How can I determine what my business is worth for estate and gift tax purposes?

Transferring or selling a business
Can I transfer my business through my will?
What is a buy-sell agreement?
How can I keep my business in the family?
What are some financing options for selling my business?
What is a family limited partnership, and will it help reduce estate taxes?


Starting a business
Getting Help from the Small Business Administration
Short Checklist for Entrepreneurs
Small Business Statistics
SBA facts
Workers' compensation facts

Managing a business
Record-Keeping Software
Working with Employees
Business Banking
When Should You Call an Attorney?
Alternative Dispute Resolution

Offering employee benefits
The Popularity of Health Benefits
Retirement Plan Options
Protecting your human assets
More employers are offering dental and vision benefits
On-the-job injuries
Employer-sponsored disability insurance

Java Calculators

Business planning basics
Breakeven Analysis
Financial Ratios
Inventory Analysis
Cash Flow Calculator
Working Capital Needs
Business Valuation
Debt Consolidation Calculator
Equipment Buy vs. Lease
Profit Margin Calculator
Commercial Loan Calculator